
Schick是美國的一個剃鬚刀品牌。,SchickisanAmericanbrandofpersonalcareproductsandsafetyrazorswhichwasfoundedin1926byJacobSchick.ItiscurrentlyownedbyEdgewell ...,PatrikSchick(born24January1996)isaCzechprofessionalfootballerwhoplaysasaforwardforBundesligaclubBayerLeverkusenandtheCzechRepublic ...,ShoptheSchicksiteforrazors,refills,shavingcreamandmoreformenandwomen.BrowseavarietyofSchickproductsand...



Schick (razors)

Schick is an American brand of personal care products and safety razors which was founded in 1926 by Jacob Schick. It is currently owned by Edgewell ...

Patrik Schick

Patrik Schick (born 24 January 1996) is a Czech professional footballer who plays as a forward for Bundesliga club Bayer Leverkusen and the Czech Republic ...

Schick US

Shop the Schick site for razors, refills, shaving cream and more for men and women. Browse a variety of Schick products and learn more about the Schick brand.

Schick 舒適牌官網

2003 年勁量公司成立,在短短三年內,Schick舒適牌與Playtex其旗下品牌合併擴及至個人護理產品,包括Banana Boat和Wet Ones。自此之後,我們以快速的步伐成長擴大。直到 ...

Patrik Schick

Wikipedia(45 entries) · ar باتريك شيك · arz باتريك شيك · azb پاتریک شیک · az Patrik Şik · be_x_old Патрык Шык · bg Патрик Шик · cs Patrik Schick · da Patrik Schick ...

Patrik Schick - Soccer Wiki

Patrik Schick. 貢獻. 14. Patrik SCHICK. 全名: Patrik Schick. 球衣名稱: SCHICK. 位置: 前鋒(中). 評分: 90. 年齡: 28 (Jan 24, 1996). 國家: 捷克共和國. 身高(厘米) ...


德語 編輯. 替代寫法 編輯 · chic (僅適用於無屈折的標準形式). 詞源 編輯. 來自法語 chic,自身來自德語 Schick (「正式的禮儀,正式的服裝」)。 發音 編輯.